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Showing posts from September, 2019

Why Indian economy slowdown in 2019?

This is very amazing to know that Indian economy are facing economic crisis because India is one of the world's fastest growing economy. The GDP growth of India decrease from 8% to 5% this is very bad because this type of decrease cannot be seen in last 5 years. Even when the whole world are facing economic crisis in 2009 the Indian economy cannot be effect that time the growth rate of Indian economy is 9% in 2009 so it is amazing to know that Indian economy are facing economic crisis in 2019. Our government are blaming for the economic crisis to the trade war that are going between America and China but this is not right because the growth rate of China is 6% even the China has very big economy the economy of China is 12 trillion and we all know that the GDP growth rate of a country decrease if the country have very big economy  so the question that come what is the main reason about the decrease of Indian economy let's talk about this.    What is the main reason